Although I am so grateful she didn't suffer for long, I couldn't help but find my Grandma's death a little jarring. She's the first death I've had to experience since my childhood. It wakes you up and makes you realize you're getting older and those you love won't live forever.
I hate more than anything that I couldn't have been there with her to say goodbye. To give my grandpa a big hug. To be with my parents--my dad--while they figure out the funeral. To be with my siblings and cousins, aunts and uncles to reminisce and recieve that peaceful closure that is so nice after something like this. I've missed out on a lot of things living far away, but this is the one I probably regret missing the most.
As a gift for our Grandpa and an effort to get all of our thoughts compiled in one place, each of the grandchildren wrote a letter to our Grandma to express our thoughts of love and gratitude for her in our lives. Here was mine: