Man alive, I'm struggling in the blogging area lately! I've been a little overwhelmed with everything we've got to get done before we move, plus moving that I only have lame, to-do items on my mind and by-all-means not much I would consider blogworthy (which isn't a high standard to begin with). But! I have been meaning to post this little video for a couple months. We got the idea when Ryder took a nap one Sunday in his white shirt and socks. I don't think it will make a Guitar Hero commercial anytime soon, but you get the picture. *note Phil in the reflection of sliding door & ignore that annoying voice ahootin' and a hollerin'. I have no idea who she is.


  1. HELLO so cute! bytheway I gave a girl your number she wants to get some more info on your condo for rent.....

  2. Too cute! I must come visit!

  3. oh my gosh how adorable is that. i burst out laughing!!!

  4. Seriously, so cute!

  5. Hey! Nice dancing Doo da! I love him!
    way to take a stand on oprah. The whole having a magazine with her face on EVERY cover thing got me..
    awesome pics of the family and your smiling face
    SO fun to rock with you guys on Saturday!

  6. Being a mom is so fun....I love those little moments.
