So we get to find out this Wednesday whether we're having a boy or a girl. I'm so excited I can barely stand it. I feel this is my reward for making it half-way through my pregnancy. We get to pick out a name, we can start buying him/her fun little baby things and I have a better picture of what our newly structured little family will be like. Anyhow, I'd love to hear what you think: boy or girl?


  1. i didn't even know you were preggers! i say...girl

  2. I'm gonna say GIRL! And I miFss you!!!

  3. I'm hoping it is a boy so that Ryder can have a brother to wrestle around and cause trouble with. Also, a boy will be less expensive while you are in school since you already have boy stuff.

  4. I think Ryder is getting a sister!

  5. I think it's a girl. I hope so for her cousin's sake!
