Have you ever sorely miscalculated your camera settings and taken a picture like this?  

Yeah, me neither. But when someone else using my camera manages to turn a sweet moment into this, I'm left a little bummed. Since I'm currently introducing myself into the world of Photoshop (just Elements right now) I thought I'd see if there was anything to be done especially knowing  I couldn't make the image any worse.

After some cropping and goofing around with the lighting and color correcting I did come up with this, which I figured was better than a poke in the eye and best of all, this fun little moment we had today at the park isn't completely lost. 
I did try this technique on another one of my photo and it didn't turn out quite as well, plus, the editing I did in this photo didn't look as good around everyone else as it did Ryder, so it definitely isn't a consistent method. But worth a shot (hehe).

Anyway...kinda fun.


  1. I recognize Jared's sleeve, so that's pretty good! :)

    You're wonderful!

  2. Photoshop is so fun, Are you just loving it?
    I want the pattern for your bibs. Can you email it to me? Your kiddos are so dang cute!
