I've been looking forward to blogging about our charming weekend before last filled with a 5k, fun company and a wonderful mother's day, but alas, I was derailed by the week that followed (last week) with Phil's trip back to NJ and NYC to find us a place to lay our heads after we move there. You see, since he has graduated I've had him at my complete disposal 24/7, and albeit wonderful, it has turned me into a complete pansy. So for Phil to leave me for four days was a smidgen shocking to my underworked mothering muscles. What? I have to change every dirty diaper myself?! Then, of course, a couple hours after dropping Phil off at the airport, Ryder gets severe diarrhea (TMI?). No problem. I force fluids and faithfully feed him the BRAT diet --but then he had to go and break out into a nasty case of hives. I hate weird unexplainable things like that. Poor, little boy. Luckily, he was a champ and the hives cleared up in about 24 hours. Oh and I started Weight Watchers that last week too, so the fact that I was hungry all the time may have added to my general crankiness. (More on that later...maybe).

However, I still think it was better Phil went on the house hunting trip than me. Things like this stress me out more than hives do. I'm happy to report he came home with two promising options. After going over the pros and cons to each place again and again, we made our decision. With a little bit of drama between then and mailing out our deposit this morning (seriously, do these things ever go smoothly?), we've finally got a little duplex lined up in our future place of residence: Summit, NJ! Wahooo! It's a cozy little place that will meet our needs quite nicely. Knowing where we'll be moving to brings us a lot of comfort and is allowing us to get more excited and better prepared for this next little adventure. So, phew! to that!

All in all, I'm happy to have that week under our belt. I'll be happy to report about our charming weekend soon. Heaven knows there are quite a few more charming weekends to be had before we leave.


  1. Congrats on the new place. Way to go on surviving playing nurse mommy alone. That is never a fun task!

  2. Congrats on the new place! We're so excited to have you guys out here soon!

  3. Yay on everything except, you know, the illnesses. Can't wait until you come visit!

  4. Jasmine, my sister lived in Summit and she loved it! Sorry to hear about the case of the yuckies. We're excited for you guys!
