Incorrect Role Models

I apologize for my lack of blogs. Every time I would get a desire to blog, I would check other blogs and none of them were posting and really felt it was a brief season of no blogging and who am I to interupt that. Okay, it was like two of the three blogs I check periodically who haven't been bloggin much. I don't mean to sound as though I'm a blogging addict or anything. Wait...did I just say 'bloggin' a few words ago...LOL...Bloggin! Now, that I've had a break, I'm going to do some serious bloggin!

So for those of you who don't know, I found out Phil and I are having a baby boy (to which, you possibly couldn't have been someone who didn't find out considering I accidently hit the "all" button on my contact list before sending out the email that was only supposed to inform family and friends of now our loan officer, real estate agent, and lady who interviewed me for a job I did NOT get all know I'm having a boy too).

Throughout wondering whether a littly boy or girl was going to become a part of our family, I put a lot of thought into the differences of raising the two. This was around the time of the Brittney Spears shaved head fiasco and I was struck with a feeling that really never comes as a reaction to such Hollywood gossip. Lindsay goes into rehab, Paris does the unthinkable...again, and where did Nicole go? Oh, she turned sideways. As sad as it is, these are very common headlines for the teeny-bopper era of celebrities. But then, I saw a clip of Brittney shaving her head with tears coming to her eyes. Such an undignified moment really hit me and you realize how truly messed up these people are. You put the pieces together and see what is quickly becoming the next era of role models for girls: addicted, anorexic, depressed, uneducated, materialistically-driven and worst of all, no values. I don't know if any of them would know how to stand up for something good. Of course this doesn't count the liberal norm in Hollywood, but rather simply saying no to drugs, alcohol, sex, vulgarity and all the many other things that have landed them in their current situations.

I guess my point is (besides venting) is to stop putting these girls in their celebratory positions by making them our role models. They need help and education, not attention. And how important it is to not only point our spirit daughters and sons to righteous role models but most of all to be that role model. I do think this element of raising children is more difficult with girls (although boys have their more difficult arenas too). For now though, I am grateful my son's heros will be his daddy....and Spiderman.

Visit to Utah

Hello! During the last week of February I got to go home for my roommate's wedding. Of course, I took complete advantage of the situation to take a couple of days off to spend some time with my parents and sister. Phil, unfortunately, couldn't come with me, but I had a great time seeing the family and the wedding was absolutely beautiful. I posted a couple of pictures. The first on is of me, Marissa, Brittney and Sarah. For the second picture, I tried to get a good shot of Marissa's wedding dress (no such luck), but I thought it was beautiful and unique and who doesn't want do see pictures of pretty dresses?! (Well, speaking for girls, anyway).