Welcome August! You're a month that has snuck up on me while at the same time I've wondered if it would ever get here.
Our time in Australia is coming to an end. Even though we've had the opportunity to live in and learn about this beautiful country for almost 8 months, it seems as though that's also the perfect amount of time to realize how much you still don't know about this place that you're finally feeling a part of. I can't help but think of things we wish we would've/could've/should've done. But we've also had a lot of fun, seen a lot of things and met many wonderful people who we can hopefully stay in touch with for a long time. When I think about what I'll miss the most about living here, I can't help but think the beach and the weather...and the tropical birds flying around everywhere doesn't hurt. I also have to say the nice people. People are just nice here.
Every weekend of this month we'll find ourselves somewhere different. We'll leave Sydney in about a week. We'll fly to New Jersey for another week to pack up our stuff and say good-bye to friends there. Afterwhich, we'll make our way to Utah to stay with and catch up with my family while our stuff is making its way there. Hopefully, the last weekend we will find ourselves unpacking in our new home with Ryder all registered for Kindergarten.
We did find a home to rent in Lehi, Utah, which will put us about an 8 minute drive from my sister, a 25 minute commute from Phil's work (he'll be working a little bit from home) and an hour and a half from my parents. And those are just the really close ones! I could go on, but compared to Australia, we're a hop, skip and a jump away from most of our family members. It's hard for me to describe my excitment about this.
Of course, if I've learned anything about moving, is that it's bittersweet. There are many sad good-byes that will be made and a lot of new transitions to make, but we're excited for new opportunities that this new phase in our life will bring. ...that's to say, if we survive the move.
Goodbye, beautiful Sydney!