Easter 2014

Oh Easter weekend was a welcome sight this year. Not only was is it just wonderful all by itself, but it marked what I'm hoping is the end of my week as an invalid. After catching bronchitis and some delightful pink eye (an infection that I'm convinced was created soley to make you feel like the most unattractive thing on the planet) I felt like a walking plague. It never ceases to amaze me how easily I take my health for granted. And how all it takes is a little virus to make me cry out inside my head, in a very wo-is-me manner, if only I had my health! 

Even though I'm almost all better, I still nervously anticipating the fallout with these cutie pies, but fingers crossed, hands washed, prayers said, lets hope they hang on to their current states of health.

But as for now, we're enjoying a delightful Easter. We spent yesterday with my sister's fam and parents doing most of our festivities. We went to the Tulip Festival and then had a gourmet Easter feast a la my sister and her husband. Sooo tasty. Today, was more relaxed with Easter baskets and church. 

I also must mention a social media campaign our church started called #becauseofhim. It provided me an opportunity to ponder and then post my thoughts of my Savior and all that he has allowed me to do and be in this world. It made this Easter all the more special reflecting on my own thoughts and seeing the thoughts of others. 

Happy Easter!

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