Holy Smokes!

Its been awhile. Goodness, like a whole week since I've posted last. I don't know where the time went. I feel the only way to get back on track is to do another purge of thoughts. 1. I LOVE Skittles. Berry flavored Skittles especially. I just finished a pack of them. Mmm, mmm. 2. My take on the Grammy's: I like Alicia Keys. What is the big to-do with Amy Winehouse? I heard her music for the first time that night along with her reputation and I'm still trying to figure out how she walked away with three Grammy's. 3. I need to register to vote before November. I'm surprising myself because I think I'm going over to the D side and backing Obama. I'm not a fan of McCain and I really, really don't want Hillary to win. 4. So back to cutting my hair. I couldn't bring myself to writing an entire post about it because that would make me sound shallow, so I'm disguising it amongst these random thoughts. I was dead set on going short--like jaw line to mid neck short--but when I told someone I was thinking of doing this they gave me a look like I just told them I was going to shave my head. I don't know why its such a big deal. In fact, I think planning to do it is half of the excitement. Anyhow, see my anonymous poll. 5. Ryder starts solids soon. I'm pretty excited, but I think if he knew it was coming, he would be the very most excited. For a month now, he has been completely fascinated with anything Phil and I put in our mouths. 6. My mom gets radiation treatment on Friday and I just have to say I think she is amazing. For those of you who don't know, she got thyroid cancer and is now fighting off its remains through nasty radiation treatment. Besides the sheer exhaustion, quarantined period and long recovery, the prep for this event has been just as bad. However, here attitude through it all has been upbeat and inspiring and she is one of the strongest and bravest people I know. We estimate she'll be feeling more like herself in a couple of months, so here's to the best spring ever! 7. On the familial note, I have a really cool brother and sister. With my sister due with her second baby in less than two weeks and a brother who is currently juggling crazy, stressful events (graduation, the bar, job search to name a few), I hope you know how wonderful I think you both are. Compared to the rest of my family, I feel like Phil and I are on easy street. 8. Finally, I figured out my favorite oatmeal combo. 1/4 C Oatmeal, 1/2 C of Skim Milk 1 Dwallop of Peanut Butter, sprinkle sugar to taste. Not the most healthiest option, but we need protein too. I still want to try steel oats, because I hear they're rather good as well.


  1. If you need a change, I think you should cut your hair. It always does the trick for me. Don't let other people's looks bother you. I never have, even if they belonged to my husband. Sometimes, you have to follow her heart and if it leads you to the beauty parlor, then there you go.

    Thanks for saying you think I'm neat, I mostly just think I am sleepy and cranky.

  2. jazzy,
    i am so sorry about your mom, i well keep her in our prayers, i know i tell you this all the time. but i just love your blog. it makes me smile every day you write in it.

  3. Me again. After the grammys I dreamed I spent an entire day cruising London with Amy Winehouse. It turns out she is pretty fun even if she can't carry a full conversation.

  4. yay! you are back. i think long hair makes women look hot and sophisticated nd gorgeous. short hair makes women look cute and fun and flirty...hmmm reminds me of thirty and flirty. i want to watch that movie. oh yeah, your hair! anywho, if you need a change, i would go with short but not as long as me. i missed my hair a lot after a while. i think im going to go short then long then short then long. have you ever noticed how almost all moms cut their hair short right after a baby. anywho, i am on tangents. i think youll look fab either way. i would go with a line cut...you cant ever go wrong there. the end.

  5. I've actually heard some pretty good stuff by Amy Winehouse. Too bad she's an utter wreck.
    CUT IT!!! It'll look cute and it'll grow back. I heard somewhere that women tend to change their hair after dramatic life events; I think Ryder qualifies!

  6. Jazzy
    When did your mom get diagnosed with cancer??? I am so sorry. That is so scary. I am glad that things seem to be going all right with her. i will pray for her and you guys. I think your mom is just so cute and sweet! You guys are all great!
    Cut your hair! IT is always fun for a change and it does grow back. You will have to post a pic when you cut your hair and keep me up to date about your mom! Well, Love ya and talk to you later!

  7. ~I will have to try to oatmeal combo. Sounds like a good one.
    ~Please don't vote for Obama.
    ~The short hair would be very cute on you.
    ~Blessings to your sweet mom.
    ~skittles are great!
    sure do love ya!

  8. I hope everything goes well with your mom. She is in our prayers!
    I know what you mean, this presidential race has gotten depressing. If you've seen our blog you obviously know we are Ron Paul supporters, but it's looking like McCain is going to take the Republican side and that scares me! I don't want Hillary either, so may be voting for Obama also. Crazy how things turn out.
    I say cut your hair! I cut mine off back in October (I think?) and it was so nice for a change. Yes, I am growing it back out, but it's been fun having it short for a while. You will be a hot mama no matter what you do!
    Oh and by the way, I "bag tagged" you! Go to my blog to see what I'm talking about! He he :)

  9. okay, so this morning I am slapping myself for asking you to 'please not vote for Obama'. What was I thinkin'? You have a RIGHT to vote for who ever you want. -- sorry dude. Forgiveness please? ;)
    I am interested to hear more about these candidates. I am still wondering what in the world will happen and what I should hope for.
    Have a lovely day.--
    full of freedom. ;)
    Sure do love reading your blog.

  10. Oh man. Your mom is in my prayers.

    And I totally agree on the oatmeal-pb combo. Delicioso!
