I have been wanting to write a post about this for awhile now... I've been thinking a lot about "phases" lately. I believe one the of the best pieces of advice to a new mother confused, worried, elated about their child's actions is, "Everything is a phase". After being a mom for a short period of 2 years, I have found this to be very true. There is an end to sleepless nights, just as there is an end to immobility, innocence, and drool. Whether good or bad...everything is a phase. However, I don't think this piece of wisdom should be limited to children. Nor should it be limited to just children and mothers, but I believe it's quite applicable to anyone living and striving for happiness. I have been a person who has always had a difficult time with two things: 1)adapting to change 2)living in the moment And lately I have found myself repeating, "everything is phase" in regard to my personal adult situation, actions and surroundings as opposed to my child's. And I find it comforting and helpful with these two issues. I find it helps me to a) realize--whether good or bad--it's not going to last forever, and b) that I better enjoy all the good parts within each phase before they're gone. So my point: I feel like my life right now is one big change after another and I think it would be fun to narrate my reaction to these changes through phases. Here are my ground rules. 1. My current phase can be called whatever I want it to be called. 2. I can totally overlap on phases. I mean I figure I'm going through at least five at any one time anyhow. 3. Phases can repeat themselves. 4. I do not control how long the phase lasts (or maybe I do...hmmm) 5. I do not plan on being very serious through this process, but hope I will come upon some valuable and helpful thoughts. Finally, I thought before I started posting about phases, I thought it would be helpful to remind myself of my constants: 1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ 2. I am sealed to my family for eternity 3. My Savior loves me and understands me 4. Phil 5. Ryder ...or maybe I just need to list my constants all the time :)


  1. Very insightful! Thanks for your comments. I totally agree with everything you just said.

  2. Great post, I am glad you posted this because it's something that I need to work on and I think you worded it perfectly!

  3. Great philosophy (sp?).
