
I posted these photos on Facebook, so sorry if you've already seen some of them, but I found my mom's comments to be all too perfect that I had to make sure I had it recorded on my blog for safekeeping. (Just in case anyone is interested, I've started recording the old blog in a book on Blurb. So far, so good. Right now I'm just doing from 2006-2007...I've got a ways to go :)

The following photos were taken while Penelope was talking to her Nana on the phone. The comments were provided to you by Nana herself:

It was a wonderful conversation, we exchanged pleasantries...

We both did a little venting...

We had some good laughs...

Shared some intriguing secrets...

We both talked until we were both worn out. I am a very lucky Nana...

Thanks mom, for your insights. I feel very lucky my kids have you.

If you're wondering about the state of my couch, I was in the middle of cleaning one of the cushions...I'll ignore any stains underneath your couch cushions, if you ignore mine :)


  1. When Rylee talks to my mom she does the same thing. It is typically so dramatic. I can only imagine how their conversation went. Super cute!

  2. I think we all know that I'm the lucky one.
    Love you Jazzy.

  3. Cute! Dylan talks about watermelon and chocolate, mostly.
